Guernica Remakings, South Africa documentary series captures the creation of the fifth Keiskamma Guernica made in 2017. The makers are part of the Keiskamma Art Project located in the Peddie District of the Eastern Cape of South Africa. A form of empowered art practice has evolved since the Art Project began in 2000/01 involving over 100 women.

The Keiskamma Art Project’s translation of Picasso’s iconic anti-fascist artwork transforms its geography, time and narrative from: Spain to South Africa, from the early 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century, from anti-fascism to the HIV/AIDS crisis. See the trailer below:
A series of twelve short documentary films show the creation of this artwork featuring interviews with the makers discussing their role in the making process and their insights regarding the visual translation of Guernica to comment on the HIV / AIDS crisis in South Africa. The makers ideas and desire for change are also included in the videos creating their vision of the future. The videos are available to watch and share via a dedicated Vimeo channel Guernica Remakings, South Africa.
The fifth Keiskamma Guernica (2017) is now part of the Guernica Remakings exhibition that toured in 2019. The exhibition tour was timed to mark the 80th year from the tour of Picasso’s Guernica to the UK. From the 31 January – 20 March 2019 the exhibition was at the Working Class Movement Library in Salford, from there it was on display from the 1 – 9 April 2019 at The Plaza, Rose Hill, Mauritius and from 26 July – 22 September 2019 it was exhibited at The National Poetry Library, Southbank Centre, London, UK.
The Guernica Remakings, South Africa research project and documentary series was funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council through their Global Challenges Research Fund between 2016 and 2018 and with the support of the University of Brighton.