Exhibitions 2023

50 years on from the death of Pablo Picasso Guernica Remakings is back on tour. Travelling to Spain in January 2023 and to Nepal in April 2023.


Unfortunately, the war continues to rage in the Ukraine. Many displaced families, seeking refuge from the conflict are now living in Barcelona, Spain.

Dr Nicola Ashmore joined Savina Tarsitano and Victoria Tissot in Barcelona for the Cultural Diplomacy, Art, Peace and Solidarity project, in partnership with the German Consulate in Barcelona. The Guernica Remakings exhibition was on display at Espronceda Art Centre, 24 January – 27 February 2023, alongside the group show “Dialogue” curated by Savina Tarsitano and Victoria Tissot, featuring 8 artists in residence.

The Guernica Remakings exhibition displayed for the first time the Kids’ Guernica canvas made in Hamburg, South Africa in October 2022 by the families involved in the Keiskamma Art Project. This created an inspiring environment for the new peace painting Kids’ Guernica workshop with families and children from Ukraine and Spain now living in Barcelona. All the families were connected to Victoria Tissot’s cultural association Embajada del Arte de Ucrania (Embassy of Art of Ukraine)

To find out more please see our web page Guernica Remakings at Espronceda, Barcelona, Spain, 23 January – 27 February 2023.


Guernica Remakings travelled from the valley of Kathmandu to the mountains of Mulabari and back again.

Mulabari, Dhading District, Nepal
In view of the Himalayas – the Guernica Remakings exhibition was exhibited in Mulabari village in the Dhading District of Nepal, 7- 10 April 2023.

We joined Savina Tarsitano (Pistoletto Foundation), Takuya Kaneda (Kids’ Guernica), Asuka Ishii and Kuniyoshi Murata (P3578). They all have sustained collaborations with the people of Mulabari village through Handsom Lila, a secondary school teacher and researcher.

Looking together at the Keiskamma Guernica, made in the village of Hamburg in South Africa evoked the sharing of experiences in Mulabari village in Nepal, notably the loss of a child. A powerful reminder of the universal nature of grief and the love of a mother for her child. To find out more see our web page Guernica Remakings in Mulabari Village, 2023: in pictures.

Sirjana Fine Art College, Kathmandu, Nepal
Creative thinking on display! It was a joy to work with students and staff at Sirjana College of Fine Arts to install the Guernica Remakings exhibition, 11- 13 April 2023.

Discussions and images were generated on equality for women, the fall of corruption and the need for the caste system to fade further into the past. The students effectively worked together on their contribution to the Kids’ Guernica canvas started in Mulabari village, Nepal.

Art practices and art activist projects were presented by Takuya Kaneda, Kuniyoshi Murata, Asuka Ishii, Savina Tarsitano, Carolyn Watt, Nicola Ashmore. Encouraging discussions on the role of art and artists. To find out more please see our web page Guernica Remakings at Sirjana College of Fine Arts, 2023: in pictures.

This work was supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council [grant number AH/W00612X/1].