Guernica Remakings at Espronceda, 2023: in pictures

A selection of images from Dr Nicola Ashmore’s trip to Barcelona in January 2023 to present the Guernica Remakings project, invited by Savina Tarsitano of Espronceda Institute of Art and Culture, Barcelona, Spain. This was part of Savina Tarsitano’s Cultural Diplomacy, Art, Peace and Solidarity project in partnership with the German Consulate in Barcelona and in collaboration with Victoria Tissot’s cultural association Embajada del Arte de Ucrania (Embassy of Art of Ukraine).

Images courtesy of Nicola Ashmore, Savina Tarsitano and Espronceda, 2023.

This work was supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council [grant number AH/W00612X/1].